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How to Effectively Conduct Behavioral Interviews: A Guide for Recruiters.

How to Effectively Conduct Behavioral Interviews: A Guide for Recruiters.


Recruitment is a process that requires not only the right tools, but also the ability to identify the best candidates. Behavioral interviews are one of the most effective methods for assessing the competencies and behaviors of potential employees. In this article, we will discuss what behavioral interviews are, how to conduct them and what benefits they can bring.

What are behavioral interviews?

Behavioral interviews focus on candidates' past experiences, assuming that past behavior is the best indicator of future actions. Rather than asking about hypothetical situations, recruiters ask for specific examples from candidates' work lives.

Why use behavioral interviews?

1. Reliability of assessment: Past actions are often a better indicator of future behavior than theoretical responses.

2. Avoidance of vagueness: Concrete examples help avoid generalities and focus on real-world achievements.

3. Better understanding of the candidate: Allows for an in-depth understanding of the candidate's work and management style.

Preparing for a behavioral interview

1. Analyze the requirements of the position: Identify the key competencies and behaviors required for the position.

2. Develop questions: Prepare questions to assess these competencies. Example: "Tell about a situation in which you had to resolve a conflict in a team."

3. Interview scenario: Create a framework interview plan to make sure all key areas are covered.

Conducting a behavioral interview

1. Asking questions: Ask questions in "STAR" form:

o S (Situation) - Describe the situation.

o T (Task) - What task did you have to perform?

o A (Action) - What action did you take?

o R (Result) - What were the results?

2. Active Listening: Focus on the candidate's answers, ask follow-up questions to get a fuller picture.

3. Evaluating answers: Analyze the candidate's answers for consistency with the required competencies and company values.

Example behavioral questions

- "Tell us about a situation in which you had to work under time pressure. How did you cope?"

- "Describe a situation in which you introduced an innovative solution at work."

- "Can you give an example of when you had to work with a difficult customer? How did you do it?"


Behavioral interviews are a powerful tool in every recruiter's arsenal. They not only help you better understand candidates, but also assess their actual skills and behaviors in the context of real-life situations. Remember to prepare thoroughly, listen actively and systematically evaluate the responses. This will make the recruitment process more efficient and the selection of the best candidate much easier.


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