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Zleć agencji rekrutacyjnej Tap.Talent audyt dostępności talentów

HR Location Study

We know the local labour market very well.  We are well versed in market trends and the availability of specialists in the labour market.  Our team will obtain information on talent availability and present it in a clear and understandable way 

A talent availability analyses is nothing more than a study that collects and analyses data on the availability of candidates with the characteristics specified by the client. The report typically provides information on what the availability of candidates at a particular level of experience in a selected location and industry. The purpose of the survey is to help employers understand what the recruitment potential of the so-called talent pool is in the chosen location and specialisation. 

HR Location Study what does it consist of?

A typical survey consists of three stages: data collection, data processing & analyses and data reporting and elaboration. 

– Do you want to know what the availability of candidates looks like?
– Do you want to know where to look to find talent?
– Do you want to know which location, agglomeration, has the highest talent potential?

If you are looking for reliable data to support your business plans, write to us and let’s talk about how the Tap.Talent team can help your organisation.


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